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Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day...

—William Shakespeare, Macbeth (V.v)

The Shattered Lands of Ereba—Introduction

Fifty years ago, the world ended. Ereba is a high fantasy world set on the cusp of the Age of Sail and in the aftermath of a near-apocalyptic magical calamity known as the Second Sundering.

The Second Sundering

In the year 846 of the Imperial Reckoning (IR), Ystra, an archmage of old Kaledon, unleashed a terrible and forbidden ritual, and the world was torn asunder. On the earth below, the great continent of Ankara was rent asunder, a vast gorge splitting the continent in two, its western coastlands shattered, reduced to a scattering of dozens of islands in a vast, storm-tossed sea; and in the heavens above, Ilû, the greater of the two moons of Ereba, was broken apart, reduced in a moment to belt of asteroids and dust. Sea levels rose, burying entire nations in the depths of the oceans. Tides fell, and winds became more fierce, making travel by sea or sky ever more perilous. The seasons changed, with each winter and each summer lasting years at a time.

Those who escaped the blast died as the ground opened to swallow them; those who escaped the ground drowned in the floods; and those who escaped the floods were starved as crops failed in the suddenly changed climate. All told, around a fifth of the world's population perished.

Yet life, as has been said, finds away. The people of Ereba, those who survived, rebuilt. New nations were founded, new cultures and communities grew were those that came before were thrust together, and the world began to turn again.

Our story begins in the year 896 IR, 50 years to the dot after the events of the Second Sundering, in a world that has been changed—but which has found a way to carry on, to begin again, regardless

About the Setting

The world of Ereba is an ongoing personal project, very much still in its infancy. It is a fictional world, likely to one day become a setting for a novel, a TTRPG campaign, or both, if I ever get that far.

What is written about Ereba on this website is not all I have decided or written about it; nor should what is written here be taken as the final word on any matter. This is a living project, which will certainly grow and change as new ideas come to me or I sour on old ones.


Below you will find an index of world-building articles related to Ereba, organised by topic.
