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Sing, oh goddess, of the wrath of Achilles son of Peleus,
that brought countless woes upon the Achaeans.

The Iliad, Book I

Welcome to my worlds

A Thousand Worlds is my personal hobby site for everything fantasy and speculative fiction, with a particular focus on role-playing games (RPGs) of the C and TT varieties, constructed languages (conlangs), and fictional world-building as a form of art. It's likely to start as quite an ecclectic mix, and to only get more esoteric as I build on what is already here. You're welcome to poke around and see what you can find, just do remember to wipe your boots on the way in. Navigation's on the left (or at the top if you're on mobile), it'll take you where you want to go.

A quick word on politics: The fantasy genre and many of its associated media, including (TT/C)RPGs, have often had a bit of a problem with certain unsavory sorts of people—conservatives, fascists, nationalists, and every sort of bigot, attracted by the mythologisation of the past that is often implied by fantasy works and the predominantly white, cishetero, man-led stories that have dominated certain parts of the genre. We don't do that shit here. This website is created and run by a queer anarcho-communist, and I have no desire to be 'civil' with people who want me and the people I care about dead. If you are conservative, fascist, 'gender critical', or any other kind of horrible person, this isn't for you, and you can kindly fuck off back to your 4chan threads and Facebook groups. This is a place for the subaltern, the queer, the othered, and the punk.

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Recent updates

  • 28.09.2024—Added my latest winning design to the Inventor's Fair page.
  • 23.09.2024—Minor functional/qol updates to the website, including adding a scroll bar to this Updates section (it was getting long), adding an RSS feed, and adding a visitor counter. I am also investigating options for adding a guestbook. If you have any other cool ideas for old web things or quality of life improvements, please do drop me a message!
  • 21.09.2024—To celebrate my winning entry to this week's Inventor's Fair, I decided to add a page collating my most successful entries (just this week's entry for now, but hopefully more to come) with some commentary about the design process. This will give me a pool of successful designs to draw on for future custom cards, as well as providing you, dear reader, the opportunity to see something of my process.
  • 21.09.2024—Added the first instalment of the deck list reveal/review articles for my custom DOS2 Universes Beyond Commander decks. This one is focussed on Divine Majesty, the Mardu aggro deck with a slight stax/tax subtheme. Led by Dallis, The Hammer, the deck features a number of Magister cards that tax your opponents or reward you for aggressively swinging with a wide board of creatures.
  • 10.08.2024—Created an 'Announcement' spoiler article for my custom DOS2 Universes Beyond Commander decks, in the style of official MTG announcement articles. My plan is to follow this up with four 'review' articles, one for each of the fake decks, which will include full deck lists and a 'should you buy...?' discussion including a brief overview of the financial value of the reprints in each deck, as well as how the decks play compared to previous Commander precons.
  • 06.07.2024—Minor update to add an intro page for my current world-building project, the Shattered Lands of Ereba.
  • 25.04.2024—Added the Volcanic Heart Sorcerous Origin, as well as an index page to keep track of any other 5e subclasses I add to the site. It looks a bit empty for now, but if I keep updating this site into the future I'm going to expand it. I may even reupload some of my old material here, we'll see.
  • 23.04.2024—Added next part of NWN custom class guide.
  • 20.04.2024—Updated the NWN custom class guide with two new parts, one on creating class outlines and the other introducing Cjreek's Eos Toolset, which is a real godsend for the whole process. Next update will focus on filling out the class info page, including a sleight detour into making icons, probably, when I get to it.
  • 18.04.2024—Started work on a guide to creating a custom class for Neverwinter Nights: Extended Edition (NWN:EE), because it was something I wanted to do anyway and I thought I might as well share my process so we can all learn together, eh? (Yes, I am aware the NWN index page is currently empty and the 'next' link goes nowhere because there isn't a 'part 1' yet— look, I only had so much time to work on this after my shift today so we're starting with the important stuff. )
  • 20.03.2024—Added a Resources directory to collect a variety of useful links, from map generators to political theory. Not all of it is strictly relevant to the focus of this website, but all of it is interesting and worth a look/read for the inquisitive.
  • 19.03.2024—Completed and uploaded first draft of my Weapon Actions project. I will likely look to add a pdf version of this system and potentially publish it on itch.io and/or DriveThruRPG down the line, but I want to get some playtesting in first. Any feedback on this subsystem is very much appreciated.
  • 06.03.2024—Major overhaul, removing several elements and projects which I was no longer happy with. I am still very much in the process of deciding what I want to do with this space, and that's always going to include some false starts.
  • 27.08.2023—The first line of HTML code is laid. It will still be many weeks before it is released into the wild.

Webrings and connections

This website is not currently part of any webrings, but if you see one it would fit please don't hesitate get in touch.
