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When God sings with his creations,
will a turtle not be part of the choir?

—lea chin-sang, @bigfatmoosepssy


Using my work

Can I use your work in my personal/home game? Yes! All the work on this website is provided free for your gaming enjoyment.

Can I use your work in a game I plan to stream/in a live play? For all commercial uses of my work—both uses you would profit from, and uses other parties would profit from (e.g. hosting a video on a non-monetised YouTube channel)—please consult the licenses page.

Can I use your work in a product I plan to sell? See previous question.

Can I use your work as part of a game at a convention, club, or other event? If the event is unticketed, or if all proceeds are going to a social good (whether a registered charity or some more radical purpose), then feel free to use any and all work on this site as you see fit. If the event is commercial in nature, i.e. with the intention of earning revenue for you or a third party that will not be spent exclusively on a social good, please consult the licenses page.

Can I create new work based on your work? For your home game or similar "fair use" contexts, you can freely use, remix and alter the work on this site. For commercial uses, please consult the licenses page.

If I create my own original works based on tutorials or guides on this website, do I need to credit you? No. However, it would be nice if you could!

This website

Why did you make this website? For fun. To see if I could. To motivate myself to get back into creative hobbies that I haven't done anything with for far too long, and to provide myself with a space to share what I create through those hobbies with anyone who happens to be interested.

How did you make this website? I began with sadgrlonline's Layout Builder, before modifying and iterating on that base design, drawing heavy inspiration from layouts compiled by tentacool. I had a little previous experience working with HTML from an ICT GCSE and helping update my family's website, but I'd never really worked with CSS before, and I had to do a lot of learning while I worked. MelonKing's Web Revival guide and sadgrlonline's HTML/CSS guides were invaluable for learning what I needed to learn.

Can I make a website like this? Yes! In fact, you should (if you want to)! There are lots of excellent resources out there to get started with your very own website—I'd recommend you start with the links in the previous question.

Can I use this layout for my website? The layout for this website is heavily based on the work of others, and is released under a CC0 Public Domain license, so it's free to use by anyone for any purpose. If you do use it, please do credit sadgrlonline and tentacool, as their work is the bedrock this layout is built on.

Does the website work on mobile? I've done my best to keep the design responsive, so it should be at least readable and navigable on any device. However, the website is primarily designed and optimised for desktop use with a modern web browser.

Politics and discourse

What are your thoughts on [insert RPG community discourse]? I am a queer anarcha-feminist and communist. That should answer your question.

Your politics sound really interesting—where should I start reading to learn more? Start with the Judith's Dagger Collective's Immer Autonom blog, associated readings and resources, and Zoe Baker's recommended readings. If you're more of a watcher than a reader, Sophie from Mars, Andrewism, and Zoe Baker, formerly anarchopac, all have YouTube channels that provide excellent and accessible introductions.
